A Little Bit of Magic...

I just got a stack of books from Book Depository and got straight on to reading Press Here by Herve Tullet.  It was relatively easy to read this to a three and a half year old with a bit of magic.  He was so happy to see what the dots did each time he turned the page after clapping, touching or blowing on them.

UPDATE: Check out the Herve Tullet website  I see many more of these books making it to our house in the near future :)

It got me thinking about how we present things to learners including adult learners.  In a time where information is so easy to come by I think it's even more important to present things with a little magic.  As teachers / trainers I think it's really important to create a little magic with whatever it is we're hoping our learners will learn.  It's something I've been playing around with when training, how am I creating magic?  What am I showing people or helping people to realise that's going to give them a 'wow this is awesome' moment in their learning?

We've now read the book around 15 times in the last two days - 3.5 year olds love magic books apparently :).  I think I'll be using a concept like this when I present on Virtual Reality next week... watch this space...
